New Directions Early Head Start
Socializations (home-based):
Head Start Program Strategies define socializations as the sessions in which children and parents enrolled in the home-based or combination program option interact with other home-based or combination children and parents in a Head Start classroom, community facility, home, or on a field trip.
Socializations for infants and toddlers focus on the relationship between very young children and their primary caregivers, as opposed to the relationships between infants and toddlers and their peers.
This interaction has a very distinct purpose: to support child development by strengthening the relationship between parent and child. This relationship will provide the foundation from which children will then be able to develop close, trusting, and respectful relationships with peers and other adults later in life.
Family Events:
Individual site, multi-site and program-wide events are planned to offer participants an opportunity to celebrate successes, experience community activities and interact with other NDEHS families. In the past, families have been invited to museums, picnics, sporting events, health and safety fairs, etc. The type and location of the events are selected based on the needs, interests and convenience of the families. For events, transportation may be provided.

Past socializations and family events that we have organized for our families:
New Castle Public Library – Family reading activities through our partnership with New Castle Libraries
Brandywine Zoo – Trips
Evan G. Shortlidge Academy – Family Events
YMCA – Swim Lessons
Delaware Museum of Natural History – Trips
Delaware Children’s Museum – Family Nights
Family Picnics at Banning Regional Park and Glasgow Regional Park
Rehoboth Beach Fun Land – Trip
Killens Pond Water Park – Trip