New Directions Early Head Start
“When you work hand-in-hand with families to build trusting relationships, you help families support their children to reach their fullest potential.” – National Center on Parent, Family and Community Engagement “Markers of Progress“

Families are young children’s first and most important teachers. Head Start and Early Head Start programs work with families as equal partners to support children’s ongoing development and learning. This work can help families achieve positive outcomes for themselves and their children.
In New Directions Early Head Start, parents are valued partners in our programs.
Role of Parents in New Directions Early Head Start programs:
- Parents are expected to actively participate in the activities conducted on the weekly, ninety-minute home visit and assist in planning the home visit.
- Parents must be available to meet with the Child and Family Specialist once a week for the home-based option.
- Parents are expected to be at the designated location of the proposed meeting at the agreed upon time.
- If parents are unable to keep their appointments for the home visit, they need to contact their Child and Family Specialist immediately and reschedule the home visit for a more convenient time that week.
- Parents are encouraged to complete suggested follow-up activities with their child between home visits and report to CFS for recording on the on the volunteer form.
- Parents are encouraged to participate in volunteer opportunities whenever possible.
- Parents are encouraged to partner with staff and participate in decision making about the program through representation on Parent Committee and/or Policy Council.
- Parents enrolled in the NDEHS program are automatically members of the parent committee. The parent committee exists so that all parents can work together with staff in the process of decision making and program development. Parent committee works together with staff to discover and discuss what parents would like to do and what they would like to learn. Parent committee activities may include:
- Electing Policy Council representatives
- Input and suggestions to the program’s curriculum
- Designing program activities planned for group socializations and weekly home visits
- Locating resources to carry out program activities
- Bringing parents together to share common interests
- Working with Policy Council to support program development
- Planning programs and activities for parents and staff
- Parents and children in the home-based option of the program are encouraged to participate in the programs’ socializations throughout the year.